by Sean Foster | Aug 12, 2020 | Fireplace Tips
We strive to provide top-quality chimney services throughout the area. We want to ensure our customer base is impressed with our professionalism and honesty. In addition, we take pride in keeping homes everywhere in top shape all year long. After all, these are places...
by Sean Foster | Aug 5, 2020 | Fireplace Tips
What is a damper? A fireplace damper is normally located at least 8 inches above the firebox opening. The damper acts as a door separating the chimney and the inside of your home, allowing the smoke to exit when open. When the damper is closed, it prevents downdrafts...
by Sean Foster | Aug 4, 2020 | Fireplace Tips
3 Types of Chimney Damage Caused by Moisture There are many potential problems that can arise with a chimney, and water is one of the major causes of costly troubles. Besides the fact that an annual chimney inspection is recommended as a basic safety measure, another...
by Patrick Buell | Jul 29, 2020 | Fire Tips, Fireplace Tips
The primary purpose of a fireplace is to maintain the combustion of wood into heat and draft out harmful gases and smoke out of the building. Smoke travels through the chimney to the outside air, instead of inside the home. When a good draft is not present, a low...
by Patrick Buell | Jul 27, 2020 | Fireplace Tips
Fireplaces in modern homes are built using two ways, prefabricated or masonry. Depending on what you prefer, you can decide which option is best for you. Masonry fireplaces are traditional, whereas prefabricated fireplaces are more modern. There are many differences...